
I teach classes in epidemiology and data science. Ocassionally, I had the opportunity to teach basic sciences and pre-med classes.

Courses taught at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Sem. Course Role Level
Sum14 MH0416: Embryology and Genetics TA UGrad
Aut14 MH0416: Embryology and Genetics TA UGrad
Aut20 MO009: Biostatistics and Demography TA UGrad

Courses taught at University of Washington

Sem. Course Role Level
Spr24 BIOL200: Introduction to Biology TA UGrad

Other teaching experience


  1. “Introduction to Stata for Biomedical Researchers”. General Office of Research and Technologic Transference, Peruvian National Institute of Health. Lima, Peru. Aug 09, 2021.
  2. “Analysis of Categorical Data”. General Office of Research and Technologic Transference, Peruvian National Institute of Health. Lima, Peru. Aug 06, 2021.


Undergraduate Students - Current

  1. Fátima Sánchez Diaz and Nicole Ravines Layza, “Barriers and facilitators for mental health screening at family planning centers from low-and-middle income countries”, Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Peru (2024 to Present).